While we set up our new donation system, you can still donate to Albany Voices of Pride through our Facebook page.
You can also donate through our PayPal using our QR code here:
The Music Benefactors Program allows individuals to purchase music for the chorus. It is a wonderful way to remember a loved one and/or support the chorus by purchasing the music you want to hear. If you are interested in helping the chorus in this way, please contact us at albanyvoicesofpride@gmail.com. Your name or the name of a loved one will be listed in the program for that concert and every time the piece is performed by the chorus.
More information coming soon.
President Georgie Stevens
Vice President Kristen Renee
Marketing Chair Rachael Rutledge
Treasurer Elaine Bird
Secretary Tom Johnston
DEI Coordinator Tricia Ford
Development Chair Shana Clark
Artistic Planning Chair Keith McCauley
Member Representative Felicia Burke
Musical Director Olga Martinez
Accompanist Malcolm Kogut
President Georgie Stevens
Vice President Kristen Renee
Marketing Chair Rachael Rutledge
Treasurer Elaine Bird
Secretary Tom Johnston
DEI Coordinator Tricia Ford
Development Chair Shana Clark
Artistic Planning Chair Keith McCauley
Member Representative Felicia Burke
Musical Director Olga Martinez
Accompanist Malcolm Kogut
How To Join
Chorus Connection
Arts Center of the Capital Region
President Georgie Stevens
Vice President Kristen Renee
Marketing Chair Rachael Rutledge
Treasurer Elaine Bird
Secretary Tom Johnston
DEI Coordinator Tricia Ford
Development Chair Shana Clark
Artistic Planning Chair Keith McCauley
Member Representative Felicia Burke
Musical Director Olga Martinez
Accompanist Malcolm Kogut
© 2023 Created by Caroline Ostrov Designs